Assessment of Compliance with NASAD Standards Applicable to the Garman Art Conservation Department Graduate Program in Art Conservation

Assessment of compliance with NASAD Standards applicable to the Garman Art Conservation Department graduate program in art conservation

This assessment addresses the competencies required by applicable standards in terms of specific content, expectations for knowledge and skills development, and levels of achievement required for graduation as determined by the institution.

The Garman Art Conservation Department standards/criteria for assessing competencies and functions, which address a common body of knowledge and skills of the graduate curriculum in the M. A. and M.S. programs are:

Historical Perspective & Cultural Context: Have a judicious understanding of the inextricable relevance of history, art history, cultural context with the contemporary perspectives of the object’s medium/media, aesthetic value, production methods and place of origin, and its relationship to the object’s ‘life time journey’, including previous conservation and restoration treatments and current condition.

Critical thinking & Problem Solving: To have the competency of integrating and synthesizing data and information from a multitude of sources of an historic or artistic work or collection of cultural objects to creatively plan sound conservation and restoration approaches. To adapt to work situations and conditions, and to innovate when necessary to successfully plan and execute conservation and restoration treatments.

Technical Examination & Documentation: To master the techniques, instruments and equipment to examine and document the condition, characteristics, and method of manufacture of the historic and artistic works and cultural objects to be conserved and restored. To then be able to critically analyze the image data and derive useful information for use in diagnosis and in the development of sound conservation treatment options and preventive measures.  

Scientific Analysis: To master scientific instrumentation to examine and analyze aspects of condition and method of manufacture of historic and artistic works and cultural objects to be conserved and restored. To critically analyze scientific/technical data and derive useful information for use in the development of sound conservation treatment options.  

Craftsmanship & Hand skills: Demonstrate a high level of competence in the skills requiring eye-hand coordination and manual dexterity for detailed work and finish using a wide range of tools, techniques, and processes to conserve and restore historic and artistic works and cultural objects from beginning to end.  

Professional Conduct & Ethical Behavior: Understanding the Code Of Ethics And Guidelines For Practice Guidelines For Practice Professional Conduct of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works; functional knowledge and practical information on public relations; portfolio development for internships and future jobs; how to interview; and contribution to the profession’s body of information through publication and presentations of case studies and/or research.

Changes planned/made based on assessment findings demonstrate effectiveness of specific rubrics listed in the above categories via continuous evaluating the content of the specific rubrics.  The Art Conservation assessment plan transforms the above criteria into student learning outcomes that are measured in specific courses.  Assessment results are utilized in curricular changes that will enhance student learning.